Questy /Produkcja /Yakety Yak! Unloadable Back

Yakety Yak! Unloadable Back

Yakety Yak! Unloadable Back - BDO
  • Quest Type: Character Quest
- Opis:
The villager over at the Mountain of Division says they're having trouble unloading the Yak. Let's help them unload the Yak's back.
- Pierwsze Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
Yakety Yak! Unloadable Back
Yakety Yak! Unloadable Back
- Następne Zadanie w Łańcuchu:
No Longer a Small Fry
No Longer a Small Fry
- Akceptuj NPC:
Drieghanese Villager
Drieghanese Villager
- Zakończenie NPC:
Drieghanese Villager
Drieghanese Villager
- Warunki ukończenia:
Cel ukończenia: Drieghanese Villager
Unload the Yak
Hand over the luggage to the villager

Accept Conditions:

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