Iteme /[Event] Special Lunar Harvest Box

[Event] Special Lunar Harvest Box

[Event] Special Lunar Harvest Box - BDO

Weight: 0.1 LT

- Description:
A box containing pearl items to help you on your adventure. Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to obtain one of the following according to a set probability: Artisan's Memory x123 Kibelius Classic Set Choppy (Tier 3) Value Pack (90 Days) Trainer's Flute (Permanent) Mount Skill Change Coupon x5 [Storage Maid] Fairy Irene [Storage Maid] Fairy Risty [Storage Maid] Fairy Chiara Inventory +16 Expansion Coupon [Event] Blessing of Kamasylve (20 Days) [Event] Sealed Book of Combat (20 Days) [Event] Value Pack (20 Days) Premium Horse Appearance Change Coupon Blessing of Kamasylve (15 Days) Value Pack (15 Days) Inventory +8 Expansion Coupon