Iteme /[Event] Golden Ball

[Event] Golden Ball

[Event] Golden Ball - BDO

Weight: 0.1 LT

- Description:
A golden ball. Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to obtain one of the following according to a set probability: Ring of Crescent Guardian, [Event] Golden Bell, Item Collection Increase Scroll, Advice of Valks (+20), [Event] Elion's Tear, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Awakening Weapon Box, Liverto Weapon Bundle, Energy Potion (Extra Large), Sacred Statue of Asula, Tough Whale Tendon Elixir, Superior Whale Tendon Potion x2, Cron Stone, Memory Fragment x2, [Event] Verdure Draught x2, [Event] Beast's Draught x2, [Event] Giant's Draught x2 - Exchange: [Event] Red Ball x10: [Event] Golden Ball x1 [Event] Green Ball x5: [Event] Golden Ball x1 [Event] Blue Ball x5: [Event] Golden Ball x1
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