Iteme /[Event] Golden Troupe Coin

[Event] Golden Troupe Coin

[Event] Golden Troupe Coin - BDO

Weight: 0.01 LT

- Description:
Silver coin used by the Golden Troupe to trade certain items. The coin is smooth and polished in the back and the front is engraved with the image of a cosmos flower. You can use it when trading with the Golden Troupe and if you collect several of them, you will be able top exchange them for the following items. ※ Exchange List: - x10: Cron Stone x20 - x20: Memory Fragment x30 - x30: Advice of Valks (+50) x1 - x40: [Event] Shakatu's Luxury Box x1 ※ How to Obtain: Through completing daily quests or Challenges ({KeyBind:Present}) during the Event Period. ※ Exchange NPC: Event NPC and Igor Bartali in Velia ※ Please refer to the Events page on the official website for more details.
- Buy Price: 1,000,000
- Sell Price: 100,000