Iteme /[Event] Knight's Insignia

[Event] Knight's Insignia

[Event] Knight's Insignia - BDO

Weight: 0 LT

- Description:
An insignia given to knights who achieved honorable victory on the battlefield. You can collect these and exchange them via Velia's Skill Instructor Tachros for the following items. - Exchange 1: Cron Stone x1 - Exchange 10: [Event] Black Magic Crystal Box x1 - Exchange 30: [Event] Tachros' Spirit Stone x1 - Exchange 30: [Event] Caphras Stone Bundle x1 - Exchange 40: [Event] Shakatu's Shiny Box (Combat) x1 - Exchange 80: Advice of Valks (+100) x1 Press {KeyBind:Attack2} for Tachros' location.