Iteme /[Event] Savory Hangwa Sweets

[Event] Savory Hangwa Sweets

[Event] Savory Hangwa Sweets - BDO

Weight: 0.1 LT

- Description:
Savory Hangwa sweets made by David Finto for the villagers. It's quite simple to eat and tastes delicious to boot! Go to Igor Bartali in Velia to proceed with the event quest. - x1: Memory Fragment x1 <1 Quest per Family> - x2: [Event] Magical Elixir x5 - x2: Secret Book of Florin x3 - x2: Advice of Valks (+50) - x2: Ancient Spirit Dust x250 - x2: [Event] Shakatu's Shiny Box Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to locate Igor Bartali.