Iteme /[Event] Dalishain's Gift Bag

[Event] Dalishain's Gift Bag

[Event] Dalishain's Gift Bag - BDO

Weight: 0 LT

- Description:
A bag of gifts that Dalishain gave to you as a sign of thanks. The bag contains all sorts of items. Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to obtain one of the following according to a set probability: Inventory +1 Expansion Coupon x1 [Event] Elion's Blessing x1 [Event] Elion's Tear x1 Ornette's Dark Honey Wine x1 [Event] Artisan's Memory x1 Courser's Aura x1 [Event] Brady's Nutritious Supplement x5 Cron Stone x3 Sharp Black Crystal Shard x5 Memory Fragment x3