Iteme /[Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box

[Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box

[Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box - BDO

Weight: 0 LT

- Description:
Rare Crescent Moon Box. Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to obtain one of the following items according to a set probability: Mass of Pure Magic Sharp Black Crystal Shard Item Collection Increase Scroll Blessed Message Scroll (120 min) Valks' Cry Memory Fragment - Usage: Craft [Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box x1-3 - Crafting Method: Processing ({KeyBind:Manufacture}) - Simple Alchemy - Crafting Materials: [Event] Rare Crescent Moon Fragment x1 [Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box x1
0 / 1000 characters
NumeProcessing TypeIngredientsProducts
[Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box
[Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box
Simple Alchemy
NumeProcessing TypeIngredientsProducts
[Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box
[Event] Rare Crescent Moon Box
Simple Alchemy