Iteme /[Event] Stella's Pickaxe

[Event] Stella's Pickaxe

[Event] Stella's Pickaxe - BDO

Weight: 1 LT

Lifespan: 672:00h

- Description:
A special pickaxe that Florin Stella crafted. Increases your Gathering(Mining) Mastery. - Gathering Item Drop Rate (with Pickaxe) +30% - Gathering EXP +50% - Gathering Time -11 sec - Gathering Pickaxe Mastery +300 - How to Use: Interact ({KeyBind:Interaction}) with rocks you can gather from - This item cannot be repaired. ※ Depending on your Gathering Mastery, your gathering item drop rate and quantity will increase. ※ Go to My Information (P) > Life Skill tab to read more about Gathering Mastery.
- Durability:
0 / 1000 characters
[Event] Stella's Tool Box
[Event] Stella's Tool Box