Iteme /[Event] Shakatu's Treasure Box

[Event] Shakatu's Treasure Box

[Event] Shakatu's Treasure Box - BDO

Weight: 0.1 LT

- Description:
A treasure box rumored to be filled with untold treasures amassed by Shakatu. Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to obtain one of the following items according to a set probability. Accessories can be enhanced between PRI (I) to TET (IV). [Event] Shakatu's Golden Treasures Box Cron Stone x10,000 Caphras Stone x5,000 Resplendent Alchemy Stone of Destruction Resplendent Alchemy Stone of Protection Resplendent Alchemy Stone of Life Choose Your TET (IV) Manos Accessory Box Choose Your TET (IV) Manos Clothes Box Choose Your TRI (III) Manos Accessory Box Eye of the Ruins Ring Ominous Ring Revived Lunar Necklace Black Distortion Earring Dawn Earring Valtarra Eclipsed Belt Turo's Belt Memory Fragment x50 Sharp Black Crystal Shard x80 Cron Stone x120