Iteme /[Event] Red Christmas Bundle

[Event] Red Christmas Bundle

[Event] Red Christmas Bundle - BDO

Weight: 0 LT

- Description:
A red bundle from the gift box. Press {KeyBind:Attack2} to obtain one of the following according to a set probability. Cron Stone x1,000 Caphras Stone x1,000 Resplendent Lightstone of Fire x2 Resplendent Lightstone of Flora x2 Resplendent Lightstone of Earth x2 Cron Stone x300 Caphras Stone x300 [Event] Rare Courser Training Box [Event] Cronar Furniture Box [Event] Golden Blessing of Agris [Event] Golden Christmas Tree [Event] Enhancement Help Kit II Item Collection Increase Scroll x5 Advice of Valks (+50) Obsidian Crystal Bracelet [Event] Corrupt Oil of Immortality x2 [Event] Cronar Furniture Selection Box Memory Fragment x10 [Event] Golden Grandpa Cron Hat