Cunoștințe /Ataraxia's Records: Swell

Ataraxia's Records: Swell

Ataraxia's Records: Swell - BDO
  • Category: Ataraxia's Footsteps
- Description:
It's my first time in Balenos but the wine here is so good! I even made two more friends, not Neigh Neigh. Right? My Buster! You guys are coming with me! I'm pretty sure our sisters will also like wine. As a vendor, my senses tell me that! This wine will definitely sell well to the sisters hehehe. As I've taken from the land, so too may it be blessed. And blessings upon next year's grape harvest.
Can be obtained through [Quest] Obsidian Ashes Arethel in Obsidian Ashes said she found records left behind by Ataraxia.
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