NPC-uri /Prietenos /Ezrin


Ezrin - BDO
    <Node Management>
- Description:
When the Three Days of Darkness covered Ulukita, the Sorceress expedition team, Letusa Expedition, was secretly dispatched to Tungrad Ruins in Tarif, Mediah. Years later, Ezrin received a secret order from Ahon Kirus and joined the Letusa Expedition. He was thrilled to be able to explore the Tungrad School, where the buried Tungrad Ruins, which were said to contain Black Spirit's Rage, were located. However, he encountered unidentified monsters in the ruins and realized once again how strong Black Spirit's power was and how careful he needed to be. After that, a dream was born for the rookie expedition member, Ezrin. It was to drive out the monsters and rebuild the Tungrad School, where Black Spirit's Rage was researched.
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Tungrad Ruins
Tungrad Ruins
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Tungrad Ruins
Tungrad Ruins
Tungrad Ruins
Tungrad Ruins
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Tungrad Ruins
Tungrad Ruins
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Tungrad Ruins
Tungrad Ruins
Node Registration: Tungrad Ruins
Node Registration: Tungrad Ruins
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Tungrad Ruins
Tungrad Ruins