Pearl Offers /Animal de companie /Animal de companie /[Goodbye Winter] Snowball Rosefinch and Friends

[Goodbye Winter] Snowball Rosefinch and Friends

[Goodbye Winter] Snowball Rosefinch and Friends - BDO
- Description:
[Goodbye Winter] Snowball Rosefinch and Friends ※ Contains: - Snowball Rosefinch x1 ※ Select one from the list below: - Snowflake Reindeer - Snowkid ※ Bonus: - Kanpacho's Chewable Tablet x10 ※ Details: ※ Snowball Rosefinch, Snowflake Reindeer, Snowkid are Type: RARE ※ Only pets of the same type can be Exchanged, and some may not be eligible. ※ Shared by the entire Family. - Hover your mouse over each item for more details.
- Cost:

Pearls: 2,200

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