NamePatternResultYoung Rauno (Tier 4)Yellow SorrowWizard Stone Reward Bundle 9Wizard Stone Reward Bundle 6Wizard Stone Reward Bundle 3Wizard Stone Reward Bundle 12Witch of Horrors Summon ScrollVoidlight DaggerValtarra: Token of SkyValtarra: Token of RelicValtarra: Token of EarthValtarra: Token of DeathValkyrie DaggerValencia's Seal x8 BundleValencia's Seal x6 BundleValencia's Seal x5 BundleValencia's Seal x12 BundleVaha's Twisted FangVaha's Burning FangUnsealed Ruins SlateTungrad RingTungrad EarringTroll Elder Summon ScrollTreasure Map of a SailorTreasure Map of a SailorTreasure Map of a SailorTreasure Map of a SailorSyca's Contorted TentacleStudy: Farmer Drunk on the Scent of GrapesStinky FishSouthern Serendia Secret Cave MapSouthern Serendia Secret Cave MapSlate of Ancient HieroglyphShimmering PoleShimmering PoleShakatu's Drawing: White Baby ElephantSerendia Treasure MapSaunil Siege Captain Summon Scroll123