Misiuni /Deblochează Regiunea /I should've Brought my axe

I should've Brought my axe

I should've Brought my axe - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
February 8 I briefly stayed at the Trent Inn before moving to the woods to investigate. Several days have passed, but there were no traces of the Treant nearby. Maybe I didn't encounter the Treant, or perhaps the rumors weren't true? My worries began to mount, because I ended up going to the separate direction of my destination. However, there were bigger problems deep inside the woods. There were reports that the Treant attacked the loggers in the woods. I helped evacuate the workers and faced the Treant. I tried talking to the Treant, but it showed no signs of stopping. I had no option, but to fight the Treant. It looks as if I forgot where I had to go, because I was occupied clearing the Treants in the area. I heard a sharp sound zip past my ears. A loud thud noise followed and a giant tree dropped in front of me. I gazed towards where the noise came from and saw a Ganelle on top of the rock aiming the loaded bow towards me.
- First Quest in Chain:
Oh, Who is Elegant and Graceful!
Oh, Who is Elegant and Graceful!
- Previous Quest in Chain:
The Living Forest of Treant
The Living Forest of Treant
- Next Quest in Chain:
10,000 Year old Tree
10,000 Year old Tree
- Accept NPC:
Black Spirit
- Complete NPC:
Spiritul Negru
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Black Spirit
Fill the Treant Forest with the sound of wood chopping

Accept Conditions:

Have quest completed:
Hey There Big Fellow!
Hey There Big Fellow!
Have quest completed:
Irresistible Lure
Irresistible Lure
0 / 1000 characters