Items /Essence of Honor

Essence of Honor

Essence of Honor - BDO

Weight: 0.1 LT

- Description:
An essence that contains the condensed experiences of countless battles. Its energies can be used to draw out the dormant power within. - Usage: Craft JIN, BON, WON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion - Crafting Method: Processing ({KeyBind:Manufacture}) - Simple Alchemy - Crafting Materials: Magic Crystal of Infinity - Evasion x1 Forest Fury x1 Essence of Honor x10 Magical Shard x10 Black Stone x100 - How to Obtain: Purchase from vendor
- Buy Price: 10,000,000
0 / 1000 characters
NameProcessing TypeIngredientsProducts
WON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion
WON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion
Simple Alchemy
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Ray Poilet
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Time from siege end < 2 hours
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Ray Poilet
Have siege points
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Time from siege end < 2 hours