Knowledge /A Letter from Lando's Brother I

A Letter from Lando's Brother I

A Letter from Lando's Brother I - BDO
  • Category: Everfrost Adventure Log III
- Description:
Bubba! You didn't make a grave for me, did you? I couldn't meet papa... but I am well. Well beyond the Mountain of Eternal Winter! Huha, huha! Sorry I couldn't send this letter sooner. I kept trying to send a hawk, but it couldn't get past the blizzard raging in the mountain. Bubba! I had a fascinating experience! I got so tired from looking for papa that I fell asleep. And then I dreamt that the Hawk and the Leopard Abets all returned to the Zvier Highlands, and we all played together. Then, I suddenly woke up to see warm sunlight shine on the pure, white snowfield. I dunno how much time had passed. But I read something from a book... I think I went into what's called hibernation, Bubba.
Can be obtained through [Main Quest] - Mountain of Eternal Winter
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