Quests /[Event] Quench Your Thirst

[Event] Quench Your Thirst

[Event] Quench Your Thirst - BDO
  • Quest Type: Family Quest
- Description:
Lara asks that you purchase some [Event] Yogurt from Daniel for the children so they don't get exhausted by the heat. Go purchase some [Event] Yogurt from Daniel's shop and return to Lara. ※ This quest is available only once per Family and it resets every 00:00 UTC.
- First Quest in Chain:
[Event] Treasure in the Sands
[Event] Treasure in the Sands
- Previous Quest in Chain:
[Event] Cool Down the Heat
[Event] Cool Down the Heat
- Accept NPC:
- Complete NPC:
- Complete Conditions:
Completion Target: Lara
Hand over [Event] Yogurt to Lara
0 / 1000 characters